The Silvercrest Center turned to Lazzaro Designs for a transit ad to advertise to the community that they had a robust outpatient rehabilitation program. Silvercrest is known for its excellent long-term care, but most neighbors do not think of it as an option for important outpatient rehabilitation.
The three transit ads, each measuring 30″ x 60″, we created were recently installed on subway stop entrances. The client also reproduced them as posters to use in their facility and elsewhere. Here’s specifically what we did:
Voice: Silvercrest at first asked for one single ad to capture all three services. We, however, recommended separate ads that could be installed throughout the catchment area for best impact, yet could each stand alone. Streamlined ad copy was written that emphasized the major point that these quality services were available nearby.
Vision: Silvercrest recently changed its logo color to the NewYork-Presbyterian red (because of its affiliation with the medical network). The facility is also in the process of updating its web site with a whole new look. Knowing that the red was going to be a key player in Silvercrest’s future marketing efforts, Maryellen chose to focus on that color so it would work with anything currently being developed. Maryellen picked symbolic representations of the specific services from stock vector art, but also created some elements of the art herself to blend seamlessly with what was purchased. The result is eye-catching and modern and sets Silvercrest apart from its competition.
Getting it Done: Maryellen served as a liaison between the creative team and the client, as well as with NewYork-Presbyterian’s Marketing Department, which signed off on the ads.
> If you need help creating ads for transit, print or the web, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.
Maryellen Lazzaro is pleased to announce that she will be designing several large, outdoor banners for the hospital, which will be hung outside the facility and around the area.
You know that nothing happens immediately, but still it’s hard to send out your first marketing e-blast, write a bunch of blog entires, or tweet your first tweet and then wait for your inbox to be flooded with inquiries.
Here’s a little wisdom from a guide called Successful Advertising written by Thomas Smith in….wait for it….1885. In it, Mr. Smith says:
The first time people look at any given ad, they don’t even see it.
The second time, they don’t notice it.
The third time, they are aware that it is there.
The fourth time, they have a fleeting sense that they’ve seen it somewhere before.
The fifth time, they actually read the ad.
The sixth time they thumb their nose at it.
The seventh time, they start to get a little irritated with it.
The eighth time, they start to think, “Here’s that confounded ad again.”
The ninth time, they start to wonder if they’re missing out on something.
The tenth time, they ask their friends and neighbors if they’ve tried it.
The eleventh time, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads.
The twelfth time, they start to think that it must be a good product.
The thirteenth time, they start to feel the product has value.
The fourteenth time, they start to remember wanting a product exactly like this for a long time.
The fifteenth time, they start to yearn for it because they can’t afford to buy it.
The sixteenth time, they accept the fact that they will buy it sometime in the future.
The seventeenth time, they make a note to buy the product.
The eighteenth time, they curse their poverty for not allowing them to buy this terrific product.
The nineteenth time, they count their money very carefully.
The twentieth time prospects see the ad, they buy what is offering.
Will you need 20 attempts before prospective clients knock on your door? Hopefully not. Using e-blasts as an example, we like to counsel clients on a series of 6 to 12 monthly blasts before they evaluate their effectiveness. One thing we can say with certainty, whatever mix of marketing strategies you decide upon, you’ll need more than one!
> If you need help with e-blasts, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.
Lazzaro Designs has been creating a series of appeal letters for North Shore-LIJ’s philanthropic arm, the North Shore-LIJ Health System Foundation. Each direct mail piece has been followed up with an e-blast within the month that is similar in tone both visually and editorially, ensuring a second chance for donors and potential donors to give to this worthy nonprofit health system. As shown here, a recently released appeal letter and e-blast for The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, the research arm of the health system.
> If you need help with direct appeals or e-blasts, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.