Hot Off the Press: Redesigned Quarterly E-Newsletter
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on March 30, 2016
Five years ago, Lazzaro Designs was retained to create a quarterly e-newsletter for Healthcare Leaders of New York (HLNY), the New York Metropolitan chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives, an international professional society of more than 40,000 healthcare executives. And for five years, we have been writing, designing and project-managing this popular communication tool that is released to the chapter’s 1,800+ members.
For the most recent issue, the client and we decided it was time to refresh the look of the piece especially in light of the organization’s launch of a new website. Here’s specifically what we did:
Voice: Editorially, the basic elements of the original e-newsletter remain, including messages from key leaders, links to upcoming events, member profiles, and useful advice for healthcare executives from the early careerist to the seasoned pro. We continue to interview the profiled members, write fresh copy, and provide editorial support for the organization’s leaders as they craft their messages.
Vision: Before she tackled how the piece would look, Maryellen recommended that HLNY consider using a template in Mailchimp (the organization’s mail delivery system). This eliminated a previously outsourced html coding step, making the redesigned e-newsletter more efficient to produce.
The new look features banners for each section, which were created using a combination of photos of HLNY members, images from their website along with stock icons. The new design complements the look of their website and translates well on any device.
Getting it Done: As they have for the past five years, Lazzaro Designs continues to project-manage the quarterly ongoing project, keeping the editorial calendar, triggering conference calls to brainstorm content, and ensuring that the e-newsletter gets delivered in a timely fashion.
> If you need help creating an e-newsletter with value-added content, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.