The Importance of Reaching Out to Employees
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on October 28, 2014

Strong employee communication and recognition programs increase productivity and help to create a corporate culture of pride and, in turn, promote customer/patient satisfaction. Beyond the obvious employee newsletter, there are other cost-effective ways to positively reach out and applaud your staff. For instance, we designed birthday cards for one client where employees’ children and grandchildren provided the art. The cards were snail-mailed to employee homes in the appropriate months. In the clutter of digital communication, a real birthday card was an appreciated surprise.
There are ways, too, to freshen the old standbys. We have enlivened employee newsletters with regular, well-received features, such as one that acknowledges personal accomplishments or a wellness corner that addresses employee concerns. For a remarkably diverse community hospital, we initiated a “Where We’re From” column, which focused every month on a different ethnic group’s culture, holidays and food. For an extended-care facility, the employee newsletter spotlighted two employees every month with engaging profiles and portrait shots.
We have also worked with Human Resources to generate excitement around existing employee-of-the-month programs. Among our successful recommendations: Giving a prime/free parking spot during the month the winner is acknowledged, a pizza party in the winner’s department when the employee is announced, and, of course, a mention in the newsletter.
> If you need help with employee outreach, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.