Stock Photo Tips
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on June 9, 2015

What to do when the budget only allows for stock images and not original photography? Don’t fret. Use this as an opportunity to bring your Photoshop and Illustrator skills to the forefront.
Tip: We’ve found that collage is one of the most effective ways to use stock images. A collage (done well) takes stock imagery out of the realm of being mundane and uplifts the visual to a unique piece of art. This was the case for a collage Lazzaro Designs did here conveying the many hospital areas that benefited from a donor’s legacy of giving.
Resource: Here are some of our favorite stock houses:
> Too much to figure out on your own? Give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email. Maryellen can research stock images and create design solutions that are beautiful and budget-conscious.