Spring Cleaning: 6 Things to Do Now
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on April 7, 2015

FINALLY, spring has arrived! And, just as you get the urge to shake out carpets and wash windows, use the time to clean up your Marketing “house.” Here are some chores:
1. Check that your fonts and type treatment match across all your printed stationery and business cards. If you use black for the address on your envelope, but a different color on your letterhead, make a note to change that before the next print run.
2. If you have a blog or news section on your website, make sure you update it. Take a moment to write in advance a few more entries. Make a monthly appointment to keep the writing up. Even brief entries are better than none or very outdated ones.
3. Proofread your website. You would be shocked how many typos and editorial inconsistencies we see! Tip: Take 10 minutes each day and read aloud one section at a time. Reading aloud is an excellent way to hear and spot errors that the eye just glosses over when reading silently.
4. If you or your marketing department take the in-house photos for printed communications, make sure the resolution on the camera is set at a high resolution, which ensures better print quality. Your camera’s manual should tell you how. Typically, you select “menu” and then “resolution,” “image quality” or “image size.” Choose either “high,” “best” or the largest pixel number shown. Press the “set” or “ok” button to lock in your choice. Tip: Taking high resolution photos eats up memory. Regularly download and/or erase images.
5. Scan and upload all the latest newsletters, brochure and other printed materials to your website.
6. Liven up your employee newsletter with a new feature–perhaps wellness tips, a closer look at a department or even a restaurant review of local lunch places.