The Secret Behind a Great Photo!
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on November 28, 2017
Lazzaro Designs (on retainer with The Brooklyn Hospital Center) recently collaborated with Mount Sinai Health System to produce an ad campaign and brochures highlighting the hospitals’ new clinical partnership that brings comprehensive cardiac care to a large segment of Brooklyn that previously didn’t have easy access to this level of care.
Maryellen also designed campaign postcards to referring physicians and to prospective patients (the latter, shown here) for distribution to TBHC’s primary and secondary service areas. She also designed collateral for the joint venture reception that took place at TBHC.
However, the most interesting part of the campaign was capturing an original image to reflect Downtown Brooklyn with its quintessential array of people. Rather than scouting on site, Maryellen used google map’s virtual tour feature to identify the ideal street and cross street to photograph as well as to identify the angle the photographer was to shoot. On the day of the shoot, the photographer took multiple shots of peeps (dog walker, bicycle rider wearing a helmet, senior couple) and we seamlessly photoshopped them into the final image. We also added a lot of leaves in the trees since many had already fallen and removed the trash from garbage containers!