Yes She Can, Inc., Joins Client Roster
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on March 17, 2015

Maryellen Lazzaro is pleased to add Yes She Can, Inc. to the client roster. Maryellen has created a favicon for the organization’s website.
Insight: Favicons are images that are used by web browsers to show a graphical representation of the site being visited. They are used in the address bar, in the links bar, in the bookmarking area and in browsing tabs. Some browsers also show favicons whenever you create a shortcut link for the corresponding website in your desktop and your mobile device.
In this case, the client did not have an obvious element in their logo to adapt for a favicon. Maryellen instead used a white checkmark within a pink square suggesting the organization’s mission, which is empowering young women with autism to advance within the workplace.
Maryellen will also be developing infographics for Yes She Can, Inc.
Resource to share: Realfavicongenerator is a free resource for generating .ico files for your root directory. Just provide them with a 260×260 pixel image.
> Or, if you need help creating a favicon, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.