Category: Hospitals

Hot Off the Press: Annual Report

alt="mount sinai surgery annual report"Lazzaro Designs was retained to significantly revise, redesign and consolidate a 100+-page annual report for the Department of Surgery at the Mount Sinai Health System. The department encompasses all the surgical divisions of the System’s seven hospitals: The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Mount Sinai West, Mount Sinai St. Luke’s, Mount Sinai Queens, Mount Sinai Brooklyn, and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai.

The project began in-house, but a change of on-staff marketing personnel required an outside team to swiftly bring it to completion. Lazzaro Designs agreed with the client that significant changes were needed, as well. The client’s core message of a vibrant present and a promising future built on a foundation of an impressive history dating back to the 1800s was a powerful one and we did not seek to change that direction. In fact, we were able to strengthen the department’s messaging and carry it more consistently throughout the book. Here’s specifically what we did:

Voice: The writer immediately recognized that various authors wrote the many stories and entries and the voice differed throughout the book. She thoroughly edited the entire report to make the copy consistent in style and tone as well as comply with the Health System’s branding editorial guidelines. She also brainstormed with Maryellen a major reorganization of all the sections to better present the information in a cohesive manner. By identifying fascinating stories to pull out of the larger narrative into featured sidebars and boxes, she was able to add both editorial and visual interest to the book.

Vision: Maryellen completely reorganized, redesigned and trimmed pages from the entire report. She also created a new cover to strengthen the report’s themes. Much of her redesign was also necessary to make sure the report complied with the Health System’s branding guidelines. Additionally, Maryellen worked with department and Marketing staff to locate images appropriate for print use, and culled additional photos from the System’s archives and other sources.

Getting it Done: Lazzaro Designs project-managed the effort, turning around a complete redesign and rewrite from start to delivery in under three months. The department’s and System’s top administrators are incredibly pleased and did, in fact, increase print quantities in response.

> If you need help creating a dynamic, must-read annual report, or a team to get a languishing project across the finish line, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.

New Client: Department of Surgery at the Mount Sinai Health System

Lazzaro Designs is pleased to announce that they have been retained to significantly revise and redesign a 100+-page annual report for the combined departments of surgery at the Mount Sinai Health System. The departments encompass all the surgical divisions of the System’s seven hospitals: The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Mount Sinai West, Mount Sinai St. Luke’s, Mount Sinai Queens, Mount Sinai Brooklyn, and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai.

Hot Off the Press: Biannual Newsletter

Lazzaro Designs is happy to announce the delivery of Movement Disorders News, a combined publication of the Robert and John M. Bendheim Parkinson and Movement Disorders Center at Mount Sinai, and the Alan and Barbara Mirken Department of Neurology Movement Disorders Center at Mount Sinai Beth Israel.

This newsletter will be published twice a year and mailed to patients, families and the movement disorders community. The publication provides information on treatment breakthroughs, patient profiles and program updates, as well as important information about clinical trials and support groups and classes.

The design, which meets the Mount Sinai Health System branding criteria, features photography originally shot for the publication, as well as manufacturer images and patient-supplied photos, along with infographics. The newsletter was written with original copy and was project-managed by Lazzaro Designs, as well.

> If you need a newsletter, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.