Probably like many independents I had some business down time during the pandemic. I didn’t want to lose billable hours so I created projects for myself (that my client greenlighted). One of the projects was to comb through sites that offer FREE assets (photos and illustrations) and download appropriate ones into my image archives. Here are my three favorite sites for free stuff…and who doesn’t like free stuff!, and Nowadays I search for images there first before (if needed) doing a deeper dive into fee-based stockhouses.
The Brooklyn Hospital Center takes advantage of marketing health awareness observances each month via posters situated in the lobby of its main campus and within its cafeteria. Shown here are posters Lazzaro Designs recently produced for upcoming awareness observances. When appropriate, tables are set up with hospital staff providing information on the highlighted healthcare topic.
Tip: The US Department of Health and Human Services has designated a number of national health observances, more than one for every single month! Check out this site for a current complete calendar and lots of inspiration for communication efforts.
Many of the projects Lazzaro Designs prepares in English—be it booklets, trifold, cards and more—also need to be translated into various languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Creole, Russian and Spanish among others.
When presented with the need for translations, Maryellen works directly with a ‘certified’ translator rather than providing an English transcript to a printer who may claim they can handle translations.
Our client (The Brooklyn Hospital Center) conducted a translation test at our suggestion. Sure enough, the certified translation company was far more accurate than a printer who prepared a translation. Furthermore, a certified translator can import translated copy into a supplied English InDesign layout file. For Arabic translations, they will know to adjust content on spreads so they read left to right. Additionally, they’ll know the difference between Traditional Chinese versus Simplified Chinese. By the way, when in doubt, opt for Traditional Chinese.
Shown above: A medication card for Heparin translated into four languages. The card is provided to an inpatient at bedside and to outpatients in ambulatory care settings. These cards were part of a series of many other medication cards that explained why the patient is taking this medication and what are the most common side effects.

Lazzaro Designs designed a series of street banners for The Brooklyn Hospital Center. Each banner measures 3 ft x 8 ft. The various banners are on display around the hospital and in nearby Fort Greene Park.
The vertical banners’ design complements the horizontal banner Maryellen created, which is installed by the hospital’s emergency entrance.
Tip: When considering an outdoor banner, have the banner vendor provide your designer with the specs detailing where the wind slits and grommets will be located and how much space to leave for the horizontal pole sleeves.
> If you need help creating banners, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.