Hot Off the Press: Clinician Brochures
Written by Maryellen Lazzaro on September 20, 2016
After we updated our own materials for The Silvercrest Center (including a patient handbook and Q&A informative brochures) and created some new subway ads, the client also asked us to create new brochures for referring clinicians. The goal of the folded 8.5 x 11″ trifolds was to market Silvercrest’s outstanding programs in both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation.
Voice: Using a concise, professional tone, the brochures quickly outline the overall excellence of each program and highlight the key elements that contribute to their renowned reputation.
Vision: For the covers (shown here), Maryellen worked with the logo’s red and modified some beautiful stock art to create a modern, clean look. Each trifold stands alone, yet, together, they clearly work as a complementary pair.
Getting it Done: As always, Lazzaro Designs facilitated a smooth process for the project. The writer interviewed key clinicians at the institution for the content and worked with the client for approval rounds. Maryellen sought bids from the printer of the client’s choice and served as a liaison between the client and printer.
The client is very pleased with the crisp, informative results, which will set The Silvercrest Center apart from its competition, as it rightly deserves.
> If you need help creating brochures for any audience, give Lazzaro Designs a call or shoot us an email.